Welcome, Songwriter!

So, you’re here because you probably finished WRITING WORSHIP: How to Craft Heartfelt Songs for the Church

This is a companion resource page for readers of the book, songwriters and worship leaders. There’s a lot here for you. If you don’t find what you’re looking for or if you just have a question, please email me.  I, or my team, will get back with you as quickly as we can!

Keep Writing,

It’s more than lyrics and music. In my years of co-writing, I actually see 7 different types. Take the Songwriter Personality Test now!

Order and read my new book WRITING WORSHIP: How to Craft Heartfelt Songs for the Church and dive deeper.

The Writing Worship Course – a live interactive experience. My best teaching on worship songwriting.

Practice what you’ve learned in the book or the course. Join an upcoming Worship Songwriter Mentorship Group.